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Installation of new members on 26 March and farewell to 2019 group


The Young Academy is welcoming ten new members. They will be officially installed by Marileen Dogterom, President of the KNAW, on 26 March 2024. At this celebratory gathering, we will meet the new members and hear, among other things, what ambitions they have for their five-year membership.

In Dutch

During their five-year membership, they will champion projects focusing on science policy, interdisciplinarity, internationalisation, and the relationship between science and society. 


  • Installation of new members
  • Conclusion of 'Everyone professor!' year: we'll look both back and forward -- what still needs to be done?
  • Farewell to the 2019 group 
  • Green Young Academy presentation: the future of Dutch academia during a time of climate change

The meeting will be chaired by Hester den Ruijter, alumnus and former Vice-President of The Young Academy, and professor of cardiovascular diseases in women at Utrecht University Medical Centre. 

You are cordially invited to attend. There is no charge but you do need to register because space is limited.   


Photos: Yvonne Witte

The new members are: 

Top row, L to R: Fenneke Sysling (history, Leiden University), Valentijn Karemaker (mathematics, Utrecht University), Bas Borsje (climate adaptation and hydraulic engineering, University of Twente), Olya Kudina (philosophy of technology, Delft University of Technology), and Ward Rauws (spatial planning, Groningen University). 

Lower row, L to R: Saskia Peels (ancient Greek language and literature, Groningen University), David Fernandez Rivas (technology for medicine and chemistry, University of Twente), Stéphanie van der Pas (mathematics, Amsterdam UMC), Joris van der Voet (public administration, Leiden University), and Romy Gaillard (paediatrics, Erasmus MC).

For more information

You can read more about the new members here. For questions, please contact Sijmen Wals, dja@knaw.nl, 020 551 0867.



De Jonge Akademie
020 551 0867


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De Jonge Akademie zet zich in voor de toekomst van de wetenschap: ze draagt de waarde van wetenschap uit en verbetert het wetenschapssysteem. Dit platform van vijftig bevlogen academici onderzoekt, adviseert, verspreidt kennis en brengt mensen bij elkaar. Dit alles met oog en oor voor jonge wetenschappers.

Meer over De Jonge Akademie  > 

